Gambling Tattoo Designs und Bedeutung - Top 12 Symbole für Casino-Enthusiasten


Gambling Tattoo Designs gehören zu den gefragtesten Tintenideen weltweit. Der Grund für die Beliebtheit dieses Tattoo-Stils ist die Tatsache, dass sowohl Spieler als auch Tintenbegeisterte Risiken eingehen. Casino-bezogene Symbole wie Royal Flush, Pik-Ass oder Roulette sind ein häufiges Tattoo-Thema, selbst für Leute, die keine Spieler sind, da sich jeder auf das Zitat "Das Leben ist ein Glücksspiel" beziehen kann.

Wenn es darum geht, Tinte zu bekommen, ist die Liebe zum Detail ein entscheidender Faktor. Daher sollten Sie einen Tätowierer wählen, der Erfahrung mit komplexen Formen hat und weiß, wie man Glücksspiel-Tattoo-Designs erstellt. Unser Rat ist, mehr Zeit damit zu verbringen, nach einem talentierten Künstler zu suchen, anstatt zufällig einen auszuwählen, der möglicherweise schlechte Zeichenfähigkeiten besitzt oder noch nie zuvor ein Casino-Tattoo gemacht hat.

Glücksspiel Tattoo Symbole und Bedeutung

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Glücksspiel Tattoo Symbole und Bedeutung

Wenn Sie vorhaben, ein dauerhaftes Spieltattoo zu erhalten, sollten Sie zunächst entscheiden, welche Art von Symbol am besten zu Ihrer Persönlichkeit und Ihrem Stil passt. Werfen wir einen kurzen Blick auf die beliebtesten Glücksspielsymbole, die Sie in Ihr nächstes Tattoo aufnehmen können:


Das Pik-Ass (a.k.a. die Todeskarte) stellt die wertvollste Karte im Kartenspiel dar und ist in vielen Tattoo-Designs für Glücksspiele enthalten. Dieses Symbol wurde während des Zweiten Weltkriegs und des Vietnamkrieges populär, als amerikanische Soldaten es als Glücksbringer auf ihre Helme tuschen oder malen ließen. Heutzutage wird es häufig von Bikern, Gangmitgliedern oder Spielern verwendet.

Royal Flush

We all know poker is more than just a casino card game. It involves both luck and advanced strategy, and many players refer to it as the card version of chess. The Royal Flush is the highest poker hand, made from cards 10 to A of the same suit. If you played poker before, you probably know how rare a Royal Flush occurs. Therefore, people that get this type of tattoo usually think of it as a symbol of success, power, and winning.

Nachdem wir in einigen Foren für Tattoo-Enthusiasten gelesen haben, haben wir herausgefunden, dass viele Pokerspieler nach einem kolossalen Sieg den Royal Flush auf ihren Körper bekommen haben. Allerdings sind nicht alle Menschen, die dieses Glücksspiel-Tattoo haben, Pokerprofis. Sie mögen nur die Bedeutung hinter dem Symbol. Ein weiteres beliebtes Poker-Hand-Tattoo ist Four of a Kind mit Assen, das zu den höchsten Händen im Spiel gehört und eine ähnliche Bedeutung hat.

Er sagt

Since the dawn of civilization, rolling the dice was considered a symbol of betting and risk-taking. While dice tattoos are usually part of a larger design, such as a gambling sleeve, they also have their hidden meanings.

A simple dice tattoo represents the uncertainty of the future. If the dice are depicted with flames around them, the tattoo could symbolize that luck is by your side or a burning passion for gaming. Additionally, the numbers on the dice might have a personal meaning for the person, like birthdays or their lucky numbers.


A skull tattoo symbolizes overcoming a difficult challenge or even death. The skull is associated with strength and power, and people that wear this type of tattoo are granted protection against bad luck. When paired with casino elements, skull tattoos represent recovering from a losing streak or beating the odds and winning in an unlikely situation.

Lady Luck

Lady Luck is a classic symbol of prosperity, and it is usually depicted as a beautiful woman next to some casino symbols like cards, dice, or roulette. Getting this tattoo inked on your skin is a representation of a sign of good fortune, and you usually get it after a massive win at the casino or after a fortunate event in life.


Die Kirschen sind Symbole aus der Auszahlungstabelle klassischer Spielautomaten. Ihre Herkunft reicht jedoch zurück, als Sie drei Kirschen auf einem Lottoschein bekamen, was bedeutete, dass Sie den großen Preis gewonnen haben. Jahre später wurde das Kirschsymbol zu einem der wichtigsten Glücksspiel-Tattoo-Symbole des reinen Glücks.

Glückliche 7s

The lucky sevens are the highest paying symbol in classic slot machines. If you’ve ever gambled on slots before, you probably came across the lucky 7s. In the tattoo world, getting the 7s inked represents a symbol of pure luck in the casino or life in general.

Another interesting fact about this legendary number is that 777 is considered a highly spiritual angel number that referred to as a sign of getting Divine Guidance in the Holy Bible. People that get this magic number inked usually pair it with other symbols that are representative of a significant life event.

Acht Ball

The eight ball tattoos emphasize the idea of chance. Because it represents both good and bad luck, people that get it inked on their skin usually refer to it as a balance between the two types of fortune. In the pool community, the eight ball is the most essential ball from the rack, and it represents the win condition.


The Wild Card or Joker tattoo is a symbol that vibes with the limitless desire of its owner to dangerous games and passion. In card games, the joker can be a sign of good fortune, but it can also represent deceit and bad luck. As a gambler, risk-taking is a quintessential attribute, so having the joker tattooed on your skin could symbolize that you live for the thrill.


Poker chips are the plastic pieces that represent the win condition in a poker game. In fact, one of the reasons why poker is considered a casino game is that you can get addicted to acquiring a large stack of chips. If you’re looking for a gambling tattoo for poker enthusiasts, the poker chip is a great choice.

These chips represent more than the love for poker. They illustrate a symbol of love for life. But how? Well, a stack of chips is not just currency for a card game, it represents an additional chance to win or a valuable thing that displays your ability to defeat your opponents. People that have this tattoo design inked on their skin usually say that it is a sign of a previous victory and more to come.

Italienische Mafia

Not long ago, Las Vegas was mostly an immense desert, and there wasn’t much going on. But how did a deserted land become the world’s number one gambling destination?

Well, some Italian Mafia gang leaders used blood money to build the opulent casinos, hotels, and showgirl theatre because they had a lot of political influence and wanted to take advantage of their position.

At first, the business was mainly targeted towards male dam construction workers. Still, over the years, it became a luxurious destination for gambling and vice enthusiasts all over the world. While the mob was barred from Vegas after “The Black Book” initiative in the 1980s, they are still the creators of the most entertaining city in the world.

People that get Italian Mafia tattoos often combine them with roulette or other gambling-related symbols, which is a tribute for the mobsters that built Las Vegas. Different people consider it a sign of respect for the Mafia, which is notorious for their ties with the casino industry.


The whiskey glass and Jack Daniels bottle are usually secondary elements of gambling tattoos. The reason why people associate drinking strong beverages with casino games is that many poker players think that being drunk enhances your skills. However, professional poker players consider that drinking while at the table is a bad idea because you won’t be in your best state of mind.

Final thoughts and recommendations

Now that you have a better understanding of the symbols, it’s time to compare some gambling tattoo designs and see what you like most. While the meaning behind a tattoo is significant, you should choose something that suits your style and personality. After all, you’re getting something permanently inked on your skin.

Similar to picking an online Casino , choosing an ideal tattoo design will take time. If you are planning to get a high-quality tattoo, make sure you invest some time seeking a design that perfectly matches the meaning of your personal experiences.

Below, we’ve made a compilation of the most impressive gambling tattoos we’ve found around the web. Check it out!

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